Episode 32: Doctor Who Series 8 Premiere, Eleventh Doctor VS. Twelfth Doctor, Top 5 Regeneration Moments

Doctor Who Series 8 Premiere

"I don't think I know who The Doctor is anymore." We explore the wibbly wobbly world of Doctor Who! What's the impact of the 50th anniversary on the series 8 premiere? Is the Twelfth Doctor really as dark as everyone claims? How has Clara's relationship with The Doctor changed? And what's up with that new intro and TARDIS? In the INFINITE CROSSOVER CHAMBER, who would you rather be a companion to – the Eleventh Doctor or Twelfth Doctor? We enter the time vortex as we share our top 5 Doctor Who regeneration moments. Special guests, speculative fiction writer Derek Bishop and photographer/lifelong Whovian Bill Wadman.

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Show Notes

  • 0:00 – 19:47: Expectations for the Twelfth Doctor.
  • 19:48 – 45:05: Doctor Who series 8 premiere review. 
  • 45:06 – 55:02: INFINITE CROSSOVER CHAMBER: Eleventh Doctor VS. Twelfth Doctor.
  • 55:03 – 1:40:24: Top 5 regeneration moments. 


Top 5 Regeneration Moments


  1. Fourth to Fifth Doctor (Logopolis)
  2. Eleventh Doctor (The Eleventh Hour)
  3. Fourth Doctor (Robot)
  4. Second to Third Doctor (Spearhead from Space)
  5. Romana's Regeneration (Destiny of the Daleks)


  1. Tenth Doctor to Eleventh Doctor (The End of Time)
  2. Eleventh Doctor (The Eleventh Hour)
  3. Twelfth Doctor (Deep Breath)
  4. Eighth to War Doctor (The Night of the Doctor)
  5. Seventh to Eighth Doctor (Doctor Who TV Movie)


  1. Fourth to Fifth Doctor (Logopolis)
  2. Eleventh Doctor (The Eleventh Hour)
  3. Tenth Doctor (The Christmas Invasion)
  4. Ninth to Tenth Doctor (The Parting of the Ways)
  5. Romana's Regeneration (Destiny of the Daleks)


  1. Eleventh Doctor (The Eleventh Hour)
  2. War Doctor (The Night of the Doctor)
  3. Fourth Doctor (Robot)
  4. Tenth Doctor (The Christmas Invasion)
  5. Ninth Doctor (Rose) 

Honorable Mentions:

  • Seventh Doctor (Time and the Rani)
  • The Return of Sarah Jane Smith (School Reunion)